Translating for the European Union

Translating for the European Union

By Translating for the European Union With 24 official languages and large volumes of outsourced translation work, the European Union (EU) offers various opportunities for freelance translators to work on texts produced by different EU institutions such as the...
Post-Editing – Threat or Opportunity?

Post-Editing – Threat or Opportunity?

By Grischa Wenzeler Neural Machine Translation With the rise of neural machine translation, the question of whether or not automated translations will lead to the demise of human translators has become more prominent. Admittedly, neural machine translations have...
The Merits of Specialisation

The Merits of Specialisation

By To specialise or not to specialise To specialise or not to specialise, this is the question many translators ask themselves, particularly during the early stages of their career. Whilst other factors for a successful career in translation are also important, such...